Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Response blog to October Sky

In class we watched a movie called October Sky.   After watching carefully and taking notes on the general ideas of this movie, we were asked to write a response blog.  Well, I will start off with a basic summary of the movie.  The time period of October Sky is during the "cold war" in a little town where mining was pretty much your only job choice if you were a man.  After the first successful rocket launch of Sputnik, a teenager was inspired.  He saw the rocket shoot across the sky and felt liberated.  He wanted to go to outer space and create a rocket that people in his home town and China would be able to see.  Throughout the movie, Homer struggled a lot.  Everyone went against him, they called him rocket boy and told him he would fail.  Even his own father didn't believe in him.  After his father was hurt while mining, which happened frequently, he could not work.  Homer knew what he had to do.  He stopped with the rockets and worked in the mines.  Mining was very dangerous.  One of the boys fathers was killed in a mining tragedy, his head was cut right off.  Also, coal mining is very bad for your lungs and body. Homer tried to cooperate with his family but after discovering that his rocket didn't start the fire that had been blamed on it he was back to building and testing rockets.  The way he proved his rocket was not what started the fire was by using his new math skills that he acquired from science. His father told him he respected him for what he was doing in the coal mines, but when he found out Homer quit, he told him he was ashamed of his own son.  I think Homer had great self control because there were many times where if that was me i would have lost it.  In the end, Homer and his friends were able to successfully launch many rockets.  They went to the National Science Fair and won first place.  This opened up many doors for them, including pretty much their choice of any college they wanted with a full scholarship.  This movie taught me so much. Over all science is really important and helpful but in order to succeed in science you have to experiment, persevere and believe in yourself, even when no one else does.

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